CARES Act Emergency Funds
Quarterly Reporting
CARES Act Sections 18004(a)(1) Institutional Portion and 18004(a)(2)
April 7, 2022
Treasure Valley Community College
- The Federal Emergency Grants for Winter 2022
Treasure Valley Community College (威尼斯人娱乐城) has signed and returned a Certification & Agreement with the Department of Education to accept allocated funds from the American Rescue Plan (ARP), Public Law 117-2. The ARP established and funded the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund III (HEERF III) to provide emergency financial aid grants. As of March 31, 2022, 威尼斯人娱乐城 received $3,186,741of HEERF funds for students to fund Federal Emergency Financial Aid Grants. As of April 7, 2022, $366,811.20 was distributed to a total of 649 individual students during quarter 1 of 2022. 100% of these grants came from HEERF III - ARPA funds. It is anticipated that the remaining allocation of HEERF III student aid funds will be awarded prior to June 30, 2023.
- Supplemental Assistance to Institutions of Higher Education (SAIHE) Reporting
The federal government awarded Treasure Valley Community College an additional $642,570 in COVID-19 relief funding. This grant is funded through the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) and its Supplemental Allocation for Institutions of Higher Education (SAIHE) program. This funding was authorized by the Coronaviurs Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSAA) signed into law in December, 2020. The federal application for SAIHE funds indicates that this funding must be used for financial aid grants to students, including students needing financial assistance to reenroll; As of April 7, 2022, $642,570 was distributed to a total of 812 students. 100% of these funds have now been disbursed.
January 6, 2022
Treasure Valley Community College
- The Federal Emergency Grants for Fall 2021
Treasure Valley Community College (威尼斯人娱乐城) has signed and returned a Certification & Agreement with the Department of Education to accept allocated funds from the American Rescue Plan (ARP), Public Law 117-2. The ARP established and funded the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund III (HEERF III) to provide emergency financial aid grants.
As of September 20, 2021, 威尼斯人娱乐城 received $3,186,741of HEERF funds for students to fund Federal Emergency Financial Aid Grants. The estimated total number of students potentially eligible to be considered to receive Emergency Financial Aid Grants in quarter 4 was 1837. As of January 4, 2022, $528,353 was distributed to a total of 1,222 individual students. 100% of these grants came from HEERF III – ARPA funds. It is anticipated that the remaining allocation of HEERF III student aid funds will be awarded prior to May 13, 2022.
- Supplemental Assistance to Institutions of Higher Education (SAIHE) Reporting
The federal government recently awarded Treasure Valley Community College an additional $642,570 in COVID-19 relief funding. This grant is funded through the Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) and its Supplemental Allocation for Institutions of Higher Education (SAIHE) program. This funding was authorized by the Coronaviurs Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act (CRRSAA) signed into law in December, 2020. The federal application for SAIHE funds indicates that this funds indicates that this funding must be used "for financial aid grants to students, including students needing financial assistance to reenroll".
As of January 6, 2022, 威尼斯人娱乐城 has not distributed any of these funds. As we continue through the academic year, 威尼斯人娱乐城 will continue to identify students at high risk of being unable to continue their engagement in higher education and students who are in need of financial assistance to reengage in higher education. 100% of these funds will be disbursed prior to July 31, 2022.
October 4, 2021
Treasure Valley Community College
- As of September 30, 2021, an additional $115,855 of Emergency Financial Aid Grants has been distributed to 287 students. These funds were awarded to students based on need and enrolled credits. The awards ranged from $125 to $1,000 per student and averaged $404 per student.
- As of this date, $1,188,087 in total has been distributed to a total of 1,789 students. 100% of these grants came from HEERF III - ARPA funds as all HEERF I - CARES and HEERF II - CRRSAA were distributed prior to July 1, 2021. The remaining allocation of student aid funds will be awarded during the 2021-22 academic year.
June 30, 2021
Treasure Valley Community College
- As of June 30, 2021, an additional $573,500 of Emergency Financial Aid Grants has been distributed to 689 students. These funds were awarded to students based on need and enrolled credits. The awards ranged from $250 to $1,000 per student and averaged $832 per student.
- As of this date, $1,072,332 in total has been distributed to a total of 1,502 individual students. This completes the total distribution of the HEERF I - CARES funds and HEERF II - CRRSSA funds designated for student aid. In addition, HEERF III - ARPA funds amounting to $74,668 were distributed. The remaining allocation of student aid funds will be awarded during the 2021-22 academic year.
March 31, 2021
Treasure Valley Community College
- As of March 31, 2021, an additional $59,682 of Emergency Financial Aid Grants has been distributed to 120 students. Title IV eligible students were encouraged to apply for these additional CARES Act funds. The online application process identified students affected by COVID-19 and those students that were eligible were given up to $500 each.
- As of this date, $498,832 in total has been distributed to a total of 813 individual students. This completes the total distribution of the HEERF I - CARES funds designated for student aid. The HEERF II - CRRSSA allocation of student aid funds will be awarded starting Spring term 2021.
威尼斯人娱乐城 has received federal COVID funding for the Spring 20-21 term.
Title IV eligible students will receive the following amounts.
Full Time $1000.00
3/4 Time $ 750.00
1/2 Time $ 500.00
1/4 Time $ 250.00
All students who are Title IV eligible will receive an email early next week with directions to choose how your funds are disbursed. We will begin disbursing funds in mid-April.
威尼斯人娱乐城's financial aid and business office appreciate your patience as we process the federal COVID funds and our normal Financial Aid disbursals.
December 31, 2020
Treasure Valley Community College
- As of December 31, 2020, an additional $40,500 of Emergency Financial Aid Grants has been distributed to 81 students. Title IV eligible students were encouraged to apply for these additional CARES Act funds. The online application process identified students affected by COVID-19 and those students that were eligible were given up to $500 each.
- As of this date, $439,150 in total has been distributed to a total of 693 individual students.
October 10, 2020
Treasure Valley Community College
As of this date, no additional funds were distributed to students. 威尼斯人娱乐城's CARES Act Committee is scheduled to meet on Oct. 21, 2020, to review funds and disbursement decisions.August 15, 2020
Treasure Valley Community College
As of this date, no additional funds were distributed to students. The published information from July 1 is still accurate.July 1, 2020
Treasure Valley Community College
- Treasure Valley Community College (威尼斯人娱乐城) signed and returned to the Department of Education the required Certification and Agreement to receive emergency funding through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act. 威尼斯人娱乐城 intends to use no less than 50% of the funds received under Section 18004(a)(1) of the CARES Act to provide Emergency Financial Aid Grants to students.
- 威尼斯人娱乐城 received $498,832 from the Department of Education pursuant to 威尼斯人娱乐城’s Certification and Agreement pertaining to Emergency Financial Aid Grants to Students.
- As of the date of this report, $398,650 of Emergency Financial Aid Grants have been distributed to students under Section 18004(a)(1) of the CARES Act.
- The estimated total number of 威尼斯人娱乐城 students eligible to participate in programs under Section 484 in Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 and thus eligible to receive Emergency Financial Aid Grants to students under Section 18004(a)(1) of the CARES Act is 894.
- As of the date of this report, 612 students have received an Emergency Financial Aid Grant to students under Section 18004(a)(1) of the CARES Act. The amounts ranged from $197 to $783 per student based on need and on number of credits for spring term.
- 威尼斯人娱乐城 determined that $398,650 in total would be disbursed to Title IV eligible students with the most need who were registered for Spring classes in a program that was not online-only. The remaining approximately $100,182 will be disbursed during the Summer and/or Fall terms on a basis still to be determined.
- 威尼斯人娱乐城 provided notices to students regarding the availability of this funding once final determinations were been made with regard to exact amounts awarded to each student as well as the eligible uses for the funds.
May 15, 2020
Treasure Valley Community College
- Treasure Valley Community College (威尼斯人娱乐城) signed and returned to the Department of Education the required Certification and Agreement to receive emergency funding through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security (CARES) Act. 威尼斯人娱乐城 intends to use no less than 50% of the funds received under Section 18004(a)(1) of the CARES Act to provide Emergency Financial Aid Grants to students.
- 威尼斯人娱乐城 received $498,832 from the Department of Education pursuant to 威尼斯人娱乐城’s Certification and Agreement pertaining to Emergency Financial Aid Grants to Students.
- As of the date of this report, no Emergency Financial Aid Grants have been distributed to students under Section 18004(a)(1) of the CARES Act.
- The estimated total number of 威尼斯人娱乐城 students eligible to participate in programs under Section 484 in Title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 and thus eligible to receive Emergency Financial Aid Grants to students under Section 18004(a)(1) of the CARES Act is 894.
- As of the date of this report, no students have received an Emergency Financial Aid Grant to students under Section 18004(a)(1) of the CARES Act.
- 威尼斯人娱乐城 has determined that approximately $399,000 in total will be disbursed to Title IV eligible students with the most need who are registered for Spring classes in a program that is not online-only. The remaining approximately $99,800 will be disbursed during the Summer and/or Fall terms on a basis still to be determined.
- 威尼斯人娱乐城 will provide notices to students regarding the availability of this funding once final determinations have been made with regard to exact amounts awarded to each students.
Notices were and will continue to be sent directly to students. There is no application required. Check your 威尼斯人娱乐城 student email for more information.